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Welcome back everyone! As everyone knows, we had our first snowfall of the year this past week. It seems like a good time to break down the 2019-20 Snow Outlook for Pittsburgh this winter season from our meteorologist friend, Mike Harvey, at local news station, WTAE. He gives us some great insight into what he is thinking for this year which is: a snowier than normal winter. Let’s go over some of the bullet points that Mike has for us.

Winter Outlook

  • The rivers will end up freezing over this year due to lower than normal temperatures
  • Those temperatures will average 2 degrees below normal
  • Higher than normal snowfall totals for the entirety of the snow season
  • This year will most likely resemble most closely to the 2013/14 and 2014/15 seasons
    -55” of snow during those years
    -42” is the average snowfall for our area

Monthly Approximate Predictions

  • November – 2” – Normal
  • December – 9” – Above Normal
  • January – 17” – Above Normal
  • February – 16” – Above Normal
  • March – 8” – Above Normal
  • April – 1” – Normal
  • Estimated total of 52” for the season!

Mike did a great job with his forecast and laid everything out for us. We hope this helps prepare you for the upcoming winter season, and please always stay safe! We always recommend not to be out and about if you can help it. Not only does it keep you safe and off of bad roads, but also allows easier access for snow removal crews to get everything clear and open for you much sooner.

Please remember to drive safely and within the circumstances of what the weather is allowing, as well as dress appropriately to stay warm in those frigid cold temperatures. It sure looks to be a winter wonderland this year and before you know it we will be talking about spring clean ups and mowing grass again!

Have a great week everyone!